Friday, August 31, 2007


Work in Pac 1 today... super happy :) For the entire week at emergency this is the first time i felt that i am doing work, like a nurse.

So the praying that we secretly did was worth it =p ... shhsh!

Anyway, ve been partnering a NYP student for the entire week, made a new fren, but today is her last day though....

yeah i know my aunty hair damn ugly..stupid fringe + busy day today....

Oh oh... yest i met my bro at Emergency when he is on duty... he asked me hows the staff there and hows working there.... my replied was i prefer the wards... or hopefully OT...
haha if i were to met him today my answer will be different.... yeah i am starting to love ED now...
I shall take back wat i ve said =p

Random pics *Image heavy

These pics are suppose to be posted up one week ago, haha but only had the time to do it today though... love these peps :)

Note: Image heavy
Class pics :) Love them!

No wonder ppl always say NP ppl super hao lian... hahaha =p


We took every opportunity to take photo =p Look at di's -.-" expression hehe

Us at Ngee Ann's Game room

Us being super lame =p

Cedric's family is the car in white... notice that he is the only one with no kids... hahaha, work harder :P

Thats all for now... going to work soon... i miss you peps! Hope u guys re doing fine in attachment! Miss ya all!

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

I believe you...

Not gonna talk about my attachment... but instead i m going to talk about a novel i have recently read....


Its call 'I believe you'

I ve not read a single novel since i have left sec sch...This is a simple, yet touching story and i must say this is a really great novel which nv fail to move me to tears...

Story by Low Kay Hwa, Local story writter

Just to quote one of the sentence " Just when i am starting to look forward to tomorrow, he starts to pray for tomorrow's existence"


If you think those weepy taiwanese and korean show is good, i suggest that this is even better....
Heres the website of the story:

Things doesnt come free of course, if you wanna know the ending please go and buy the book, its so affordable and its definitely worth every single penny so don be cheapo if you wanna know the ending... :)

Heres the trailer, short introduction courtesy of :

Thursday, August 23, 2007

walking into the 4th day of my holiday...

I ve decided already.... by monday everything will go up on sale...

Painful decision....

i cant describe how i feel...

Rebecca's order shall be the last piece for now


Lets tok abt smth more cheerful...

Met joyce on monday.. finally after so long we met and watch a movie together!

The last time we watched with jon.... The da vinci code... haha we set at the 2nd row... could nv ve forgotten that...memorable

Bought the same tshirt together... Happy :)

Hang out and stuff..... Happy :)

I wish we could hang out more often....

haha... from the first day since i choose nursing.. i know i ve sacrifice certain things unknowingly in exchange for it.... sigh...

And thanks to her... i am so addicted to Smile pasta (Wei xiao pasta)... left 1 episode.. haha

And i love Nicholas Zhang even more now... haha

But after tml i will ve no more stuff to kill time le...

now is Thursday already... 4 more days till end of holiday.. End of beadsnbuttons and beginning of attachment...

OT attachment on monday... love the 8am to 4pm schedule everyday..

i hope i will stay in OT forever....


Cheerup... yxian

Nites all.

Sunday, August 19, 2007

I ve decided...

To stop beading for now till my nerve injury is ok...which i dono when...

Most likely having a big sale to sell off the remaining designs i ve and maybe close down beadsnbuttons... so yeah spread the word for those who ve a wanted a piece yet find it them too ex...

I dono... cant bear to shut it down... ve build up so many contacts over the years, compliments and some reputation...

i dono..... should i close it down and start all over again?

Or should i just made it history?

Aargh! Dono dono dono....


Oh yes...I FINALLY found my second favorite song that i love since secondary school!

If the you tube thingy cant load... heres the URL,

Anybody rmb this show????

Please go listen u wont regret :)

Watch the You tube! Pardon the MTV... so long le of coz abit obiang...I think most of you will rmb what show is it, the whistle thing is familiar right? :) haha i rmb i was so stuck on to the show that i bought whistle keychain for hx alvin and ys for souveneirs hahaha... but hmm don rmb is it christmas or wat occassion

Anyway! I uploaded on my PDA, hp and lappy! This song wont runaway anymore!!

I used to ve it... lol i stil rmb last time a sec sch fren call chok fong sent to me... lol so long ago.... used to chat but not anymore....

But my com crash... and i lost that song....sadded!

lol big fan of that canto show! Blarddy sad show...Felt emotional everytime i listen to the song...

So the other day was out with joyce and i heard it again!!!!!!!!! I knew i must dig it out from somewhere!

So finally! After "testing" on so many wrong ones and trying to recall the title and randomly erhem..."borrowed" various songs.... i found it i found it!!!!!

SHall share the lyrics with u guys :)





Thats all for now... nite!

Sunday, August 12, 2007

Nerve injury

..... getting worst

felt the cramp every now and then....

and all the doc said to me is: "Guess u ve got to wait... this kinda thing doesnt recover that fast.... stop your beading for now..."


For now? or forever....


I wanted to faint when i see the roster today...

yes yes... my lecturer did swop for me....

i am grateful... yes i am


Now i am in the same ward but opp shift with jing and hazel and karen....

and clare is opp shift with bei shan...

we are suppose to be on the same shift with our friends on both our side!

WTH is this!

yes... i wanna bite

Wednesday, August 08, 2007




But nerve injury on wrist.....

That kinda hit me... sigh.

Anyway.... on a lighter note.... took a photo yest with Mr ismail... we love him :) He is my favorite lecturer!!

Its our last lesson yest... but i couldnt make it for the morning lesson coz wasnt feeling well.... this is our last week in school.... will miss ngee ann so so so much...........will miss rushing for class etc...
Very soon.... we will be graduating....

Saturday, August 04, 2007


Today somebody msg me when i m buried among my project... and it totally caught me by surprise.

Willie msg me:HI how are you feeling? Much better? Its more than a week already le!

I was kinda surprised that he still rmb... as you see its like one week ago... though he only knows that i am sick(and thats it) and feeling horrible but not sure bout the details.

And surprisingly, recently we ve not been chatting much.. been few months since a proper chat... coz we are busy with our own stuff, but this person nv fails to msg me once in a while to ask how i am doing.

Thats really sweet... but i was so busy that i forgot to reply till jux half an hour ago i realised and grab my phone immediately to sms him.

GB too.... this person is also a great person to tok to... though i seldom ve time to chat... but its really great to ve somebody to and to make you feel that you are not forgotten...

And HB... she is really sweet... she nv fails to msg me to see how i was doing...

Yet these are the ppl that i ve overlooked, ppl whom ve left me msges on hp and msn and sometimes i totally forgotten to reply... and i deeply regret... so sorry will improve on that....

However.... there are also friends.... that you thought are your closest friend... or maybe to put it this way "you are my close friends, i was your close friend'' or 'i am your friend, you are my close friend--> read! Get it?

Sometimes, i really feel, that time really does wonders

*Its actually a long entry.... but nvm i ve decided to delete all of it and left 4 sentence of it....

its 12.37am already... nites all.

Thursday, August 02, 2007

28.07.07 our 3 years :)

Let the Pictures do the talking :)

Him, with boxful of gingy man :p

Lunch @ Indulgz

Yummy Crispy Pasta in cream sauce with chicken and mushroom

His. Beef steak with mash potato


Our favorite. Chocolate mousse and Earl Grey Panna Colta :)

Blessed :D

He sent my surprise to my house secretly before meeting me at the mrt. And he brought with him one extra green piece of puzzle and expect me to guess what kinda puzzle with it.... its totally green... how to guess??!!!!

Watch simpsons ater lunch, its really a great movie, go watch :)

zZzz... watch movie also need to have national day commercial -.-""
Alright... update the rest later.... gotta shower...heees outs
OH yes.... will update abt our presentation today :)