My sudden weird tot
Haha... i guess i must be too bored on the bus so much so that i started having crazy tots... that ended up with a little scare just now lol.
Was seating on the bus when a sudden image of a couple pop into my mind. Lets name them J and S.
One of them used to be a close friend but sadly not anymore, sigh :( while the other one i hardly knew. Haha i ve no idea why the sudden combination of the couple pop into my mind but the tot of it is so hillarious. Cause they are kinda compatible =p
And they are in the same institute now! Different course lar, same year....
Lol... and i thought that since they are in the same institute there could be a possibly... you know... hee
so being a kpo... I went in to S profile and take a look...
Oh yes... reading S profile + everyday's nick is pure entertainment.... yes i m mean i know.
And so S status is IN A RELATIONSHIP
So i scroll down somemore, hundred percent sure that i will see some names of S's partner somewhere since there is nth that this person wont publicise....
and i saw
J's name!
But then nvm... i realise that alot of ppl got the christian name and i check the friend's page they are not linked! So don think is that J lar...
hahaha.... but anyway...STILL... the thought of them together is..... hehehehe =X
* yeah... am a mean person... i know but no harm done wad. =p